Health and Wellbeing
Every year nearly 34,000 local people enjoy delicious, healthy food purchased from our community based food co-ops, at which dietary, healthy cooking and exercise advice is provided. These co-ops sell Grade 1 fruit and vegetables at affordable prices and stock produce that reflects the dietary, cultural and religious preferences of the local communities.
Would you like to set up a flourishing local food co-operative? We can help! Find out more here.
Our Buywell programme, delivered in partnership with Sustain and the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, facilitated and encouraged 500 small local convenience shops to stock fresh fruit and vegetables and linked the shops with local primary schools in several London boroughs, including Tower Hamlets. The programme was funded by European Union, the Greater London Authority and several London Local Authorities.
The 35 pupil-run school fruit tuck shops we helped to establish enhance children’s understanding of healthy eating and support them to eat 5 units of fruit a day.
Additionally, our Bollywood dance classes for Bangladeshi women, held in school halls, have been very popular and enhanced health through increased exercise.