Landfield Estate
Greening communities collaborated with residents of Landfield Tenants and Residents Association to plan a gardening project for Spring 2023. The goal was to clear and develop the site as a resident-managed gardening project.
Residents requested a herb garden - which is low maintenance and can be beneficial to residents' health and well-being, and a vegetable growing site. Garden-based sessions and workshops as well as two community day events were delivered over an eight week period between March and July which aimed to encourage and engage families and residents to commence growing in the new gardens.
During this time, accessible planters were made and installed into the garden space to increase the growing capacity. Seeds, plants and tools were bought for the gardening group. The growing group has five regular elderly, but very active attendees, who have done great work cleaning, weeding and planting in the new garden space. Eight more residents who had joined the group, participated in sessions when they were available.
Four families joined in sessions with a total of seven children.
Landfield Estate - October 2023

Landfield Estate - 2023